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Back University Courses Universities University of Manchester - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

University of Manchester - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

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Experience research-led teaching from renowned scientists and enjoy life-changing field trips. Acquire invaluable skills and hands-on experience ahead of an exciting career without limitation.

Here at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, biologists, chemists, physicists, geologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists, work together to study the Earth and planets. Our courses cover the full breadth of the Earth, planetary and environmental sciences, reflecting the main research themes that are fundamental to our work we do in the Department.

Our undergraduate degrees are designed to empower you in your studies, and that’s why they may be extended to four years (MEarthSci/MEnvSci) including the option to spend a year at a University overseas, a year in industry or in research, to give you significant extra research or vocational experience that will make you more attractive to future employers in both academia and industry.

In the first year, students on all undergraduate degrees take the same course units. These span the breadth of the natural sciences, focusing on understanding the evolution of the Earth's environment in terms of its atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere and allow you to change between any of our degree pathways up until the end of your first year. During this year you'll gain a thorough grounding in the physical, chemical and biological processes that have shaped the Earth and other planets in the present day and through geological time. You'll also be introduced to the key observational, laboratory and field skills that you'll need as an Environmental scientist.

After the first year you select one possible pathway through the subject (in the Environmental Sciences these are Pollution and Environmental Processes, Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology and Atmospheric and Climate Science, in the Earth and Planetary Sciences these are Geology, Energy and Resources, Palaeobiology, Planetary Science and Geochemistry). Each pathway is defined to ensure you develop core knowledge alongside a choice of optional units. During the final year of your degree you'll undertake a research project that is tailored to your degree pathway. You might collect data in the field or laboratory to answer a scientific question of your choice.

If you are considering postgraduate study, our MSc in Pollution and Environmental Control provides students with a strong grounding in the quantitative and qualitative skills required to address environmental questions in addition to subject-specific knowledge and understanding. The programme aims to provide interdisciplinary foundation training for students from a natural science or engineering background intending to pursue a career in pollution control, environmental management or resource conservation.

We also offer a suite of geoscience master’s courses, designed to train the next generation of geoscientists trained in the skills needed to meet the energy needs of the future. These are designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the subsurface and experience of using industry standard software.

Our innovative MSc in Data Science course is an opportunity for graduates from a broad range of disciplines to develop data science skills. Our goal is to help you develop into an agile, skilled data scientist, adept at working in variety of settings and able to meet the challenges and reap the rewards of interdisciplinary team work.

Undergraduate courses:

Environmental Science [BSc]
Environmental Science [MEnvSci]
Environmental Science with International Study [MEnvSci]
Environmental Science with Industrial Experience [MEnvSci]
Environmental Science with a Research Placement [MEnvSci]
Earth and Planetary Science [BSc]
Earth and Planetary Science [MEarthSci]
Earth and Planetary Science with International Study [MEarthSci]
Earth and Planetary Science with Industrial Experience [MEarthSci]
Earth and Planetary Science with a Research Placement [MEarthSci]

Postgraduate courses:

Pollution and Environmental Control [MSc]
Data Science (Environmental Analytics) [MSc]
Geoscience for Sustainable Energy [MSc]
Petroleum Geoscience [MSc]
Subsurface Energy Engineering [MSc]