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Safe Determination of Halogens, Phosphorus & Sulphur

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The Model OFCU-1 from Exeter Analytical (UK) provides a highly safe tool for preparing samples for elemental analysis of Halogens, Phosphorus and Sulphur using the Oxygen Flask Combustion procedure.

The oxygen flask combustion procedure is provided as the preparatory step in the determination of bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, phosphorus and sulphur in some Pharmacopeial articles. Combustion of the material under test (usually organic) yields water-soluble inorganic products, which may be analysed for specific elements as directed in the individual Pharmacopeia monograph or general chapter. The oxygen flask combustion procedure using the attractively priced OFCU-1 is capable of being used for repeatable determination of elemental composition from percentage levels to parts per million.

The durably constructed Oxygen Flask Combustion Unit (OFCU-1) copes easily with a wide range of sample types and is very simple to set up, use and maintain. Built with operator safety in mind, the OFCU-1 remotely ignites samples inside a safety interlocked chamber using focused infrared heat from two tungsten-halogen lamps. Integral pressure vents ensure safe release of excess reaction pressure. A thick black acrylic observation window is provided on the OFCU-1 to allow users to visually check ignition has taken place.