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Back Technology News Green Technology New Tadpole GPRS Data Logger Launched

New Tadpole GPRS Data Logger Launched

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With the costs of mobile communications falling and the costs of site visits rising, now is the time to switch from data loggers to wireless telemetry for routine data collection.

Isodaq Technology (UK) has launched Tadpole, which sets new standards for ease of deployment in tight spaces and harsh environments. Tadpole is a fully-fledged GPRS RTU outstation water-proofed to IP68 standards with the main board sealed for life, but with SIM cards and batteries field exchangeable, making Tadpole ideal for rapid deployment on short-term surveys.

Two models are available with application-specific battery packs to suit - model S hangs on a special bracket inside 50mm piezometer tubes for logging water level and quality measurements, whilst Model D is designed to fit inside automatic rain-gauges including the popular Casella tipping-bucket gauge.

Data is delivered to your desktop PC via either telemetry server software or web-site at whatever interval you choose e.g daily or hourly. Alarm messages can also be set to warn of key events. Tadpole enables you to reduce the long-term cost of monitoring—lower installation costs, fewer site visits and less carbon footprint, with data delivered to your desktop whenever needed. Enquiries from international distributors are welcomed.