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Back Technology News Gadgets Next-Generation Micro PMT Devices for Point-of-Care Testing and Other Applications

Next-Generation Micro PMT Devices for Point-of-Care Testing and Other Applications


Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (UK) has announced that from the 1st November 2012, it will begin shipping samples of its new μPMT (Micro PMT) assembly to manufacturers of analytical and measurement instruments.

The μPMT is a next-generation, ultra-compact photomultiplier tube that is fabricated through the use of in-house semiconductor processes for MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) devices. It can be mass produced, is only 1/7th of the volume and 1/9th of the weight of the smallest conventional photomultiplier tube.

The characteristics of this new μPMT will enable the development of high-precision measurement instruments for individual users, such as for point-of-care medical testing and environmental monitoring. The new μPMT assembly features a bialkali photocathode that is sensitive in the visible wavelength range and a divider circuit.