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Back Events You can now book for ICF's National Conference 2019: The UK's Role for Global Forestry

You can now book for ICF's National Conference 2019: The UK's Role for Global Forestry

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Early Bird Rate: Book now to get a £60 discount off your two-day conference ticket.

Delegates will hear from influencers from the UK and overseas and explore the UK’s role in global forestry - its past, present and future, including:

  • Alexander Buck, Executive Director, IUFRO, Austria
  • Rachel Butler, Executive Director, Global Timber Forum, UK
  • Rob de Fégley, President, Institute of Foresters, Australia
  • Professor Sandra Harding, Vice-Chancellor & President of James Cook University, Australia
  • Frances Seymour, Distinguished Senior Fellow at World Resources Institute; Co-author of “Why Forests, Why Now”, USA
  • Luis Nevis Silva, New Generations Plantations Project Leader, WWF, Portugal
  • Berry Wiersum, CEO, Sappi Europe

Book now and save £60 on the Early Bird ticket for ICF’s National Conference 2019.

The Institute has secured a limited number of rooms within the beautiful grounds of the Queen’s College in the heart of Oxford, only three minutes’ walk to the Examinations School where the ICF’s 2019 National Conference will take place. Oxford is known for their premium rates so don’t delay and secure your room today by booking with Promotional Code ICF2019 (you will need to enter the Promotional Code in the box provided before you can access these dates from the calendar).