Complimentary tickets to the ‘Ground Source Energy Expo 2017’, hosted by the Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA), are currently up for grabs! The Expo will be taking place on Wednesday 6th September 2017 at Aston Marina, Stone, Staffordshire and is designed to educate, promote and raise awareness of the significant benefits of ground source heating and cooling. This year’s Ground Source Energy Expo is delighted to be welcoming key players in the sector including Ofgem and the Environment Agency and is sponsored by MGS and Iftech. A number of key companies in the industry will be exhibiting and on hand to answer any specific queries. GSHPA would also like to thank our main sponsors Dragon Drilling, Vailant and Teckna Group.
The Expo will comprise a series of informative presentations by key individuals, followed by industry specific workshops to allow for discussions around practical issues, as well as, tailored ‘Question and Answer’ sessions. The event will cover a wide range of subjects, as well as, highlighting recent developments in the industry and what makes ground source heating and cooling, both a beneficial and viable, contender when considering heating and cooling alternatives.
This event, which will be chaired by John Findlay Chairman of the GSHPA, will be open from 10.15am until 5pm at Aston Marina, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 8QU and attendance is complementary. The annual Expo is always well attended and open to all local installers, plumbers, heating engineers, architects, building developers and building related contractors, local authorities or indeed anyone interested in renewable energy, wishing to gain valuable information from a group of experts in their field.
To secure a complimentary place, please register your attendance at
John Findlay, Chairman of the GSHPA, says:
“Following the success and positive feedback from our Expo last year, the GSHPA is thrilled to be hosting its’ second Expo at Aston Marina, and to be offering complementary entry. The Expo will be both informative and invaluable if you are involved in the industry or indeed, if you are considering incorporating this technology within a build. In that last 12 months, we have seen a significant increase in the uptake of this technology, which signals changing times, greater awareness of the advantages of renewable technologies and underlines ground source heat pumps as the best available means to obtain efficient, long-lived renewable heating and cooling. We are excited to be able to offer a day of useful insight into all aspects of this technology.”
The GSHPA would be delighted to welcome you should you wish to find out more information about anything Ground Source Heat related. All you need to do is register your attendance at or by emailing Jen Billings at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone 07576 550877.