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Back Home News Energy Bio Fuels GSHPA launch realtime CO2 calculator and Good Practice Guide at Ground Source Energy Expo 2017

GSHPA launch realtime CO2 calculator and Good Practice Guide at Ground Source Energy Expo 2017

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The Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA) are delighted to have launched two new tools at this year’s Ground Source Energy Expo 2017 recently held in Stone: the first being a ground-breaking and unique realtime CO2 calculator; the second, a revised and user-friendly Environmental Good Practice Guide for Ground Source Heating and Cooling. Prior to the opening of the Expo, the GSHPA held their AGM and are delighted to welcome Mark Burton from Vaillant and David Jones from Hafod Renewables as newly-elected Council Members.  

The first of the GSHPA’s launches: The new realtime CO2 calculator is an app displaying the realtime carbon intensity of the UK electricity grid. This value is used to calculate CO2 emissions from Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) using power at that moment. It is updated every half an hour and clearly illustrates how much lower carbon emissions are from ground source systems compared to burning fossil fuels. The CO2 issued by a GSHP powered solely from green electricity is, of course, zero. This CO2 emissions calculator, sponsored by Geoscience, shows the CO2 issued if your GSHP uses grid electricity. The values for GSHPs using grid electricity have fallen rapidly as grid electricity generation from coal has been largely replaced by gas and generation from renewable power technologies. 

The second of GSHPA’s launches: The Environmental Good Practice Guide for Ground Source Heating and Cooling. The original version was first published in 2011 by the Environment Agency to provide information, advice and guidance to prospective users of ground source energy, their consultants and contractors. This has now been significantly updated by the GSHPA and focuses on good practice for open and closed loop GSHP systems. A copy may be obtained by contacting This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Ground Source Energy Expo 2017, hosted by the Ground Source Heat Pump Association (GSHPA), provided a fantastic platform to educate, promote and raise awareness of the significant benefits of ground source heating and cooling. This year’s Ground Source Energy Expo welcomed key players in the sector including the Environment Agency and was sponsored by MGS and Iftech. The Expo comprised a series of informative presentations by key individuals including the Environment Agency, followed by industry specific advice clinics by Ofgem E-Serve and Procure Plus, as well as, workshops to allow for discussions around practical issues, as well as, tailored ‘Question and Answer’ sessions. The event covered a wide range of subjects, as well as, highlighting recent developments in the industry and what makes ground source heating and cooling, both a beneficial and viable, contender when considering heating and cooling alternatives. GSHPA would also like to thank our main sponsors Dragon Drilling, Vaillant and Teckna Group.

John Findlay, Chairman of the GSHPA, comments:

“The Expo was a resounding success – both an invaluable day of learning, but also a testament to the huge knowledge and passion of the GSHPA members. The real-time CO2 Calculator is a sophisticated and insightful tool which brings to life exactly how much of a difference using GSHPs can make in contrast to burning fossil fuels. GSHPs are a low-carbon heating and cooling technology and becoming rapidly lower all the time. Raising awareness of this can only be positive news for us all! Similarly, the GSHPA, felt that it was important to update the Good Practice Guide to create a user-friendly document promoting good practice across closed and open loop GSHP systems. In that last 12 months, we have seen a significant increase in the uptake of this technology, which signals changing times, greater awareness of the advantages of renewable technologies and underlines GSHPs as the best available means to obtain efficient, long-lived renewable heating and cooling.”