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Regeneration need not cost the earth

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My interest in land restoration started about 20 years ago, when I was involved in a project for British Coal, based at Newcastle University.

The project highlighted to me the variety of opportunities that were available in the sector, as well as potential areas for development within soil science with respect to land restoration.


The safe disposal of asbestos waste requires compliance by all concerned

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This article gives a short, but hopefully practical, interpretation of the basic duties and requirements for the safe and correct disposal of asbestos waste. Further details can be obtained from either HSE or Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA).

To dispose of asbestos waste correctly the waste producer, carrier and operator of the wastedisposal facility have to be wary of the specific detailed requirements in at least seven separate pieces of current legislation.


SiLC: a cut above the rest

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Since it was developed to support the Urban Task Force’s Land Condition Record in 1999, the Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) certification has evolved into a stand-alone qualification of notable resonance in the brownfield industry and one capable of commanding considerable respect.

 It is not hard to see why.


The alien species that can benefit from climate change

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It is clear that anthropogenic climate change and IAS are individually two of the greatest threats to ecosystem structure and function, but their synergistic impact has only recently been considered.

In a recent World Bank commissioned report the authors referred to the “combined punch” of these factors and the need to consider them in a holistic manner.


Manage the risk and you’ll avoid the devastation and the heartbreak

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Your furniture, books, clothes and treasured possessions – in fact, everything you own – are sodden, wrecked and piled up in a heap on the street outside the front door for all to see.

Inside, there’s a humid atmosphere punctured with the smell of decay and the constant whirring of dryers blowing hot air around gloomy, dank rooms. The night that floodwaters overran your home was a big shock to your sense of security, but you had to keep it together to deal with finding somewhere else to live temporarily. It is taking months to get your flooded house back into a habitable state.