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And God said to Noah: ‘There’s gonna be a flood!’

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Two thousand years on from Noah’s biblical event, flooding is still an issue faced by many – residential and commercial properties as well as whole communities.

Now, the threat of flooding is increasing with climate change, and the consequences are becoming greater each year.


Urban drainage must be sustainable

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Drain and sewer systems in urban areas were developed to deal with the immediate problem of getting rid of wastewater and surface water. Initially that was done by utilising ditches and natural watercourses for the disposal of sewage and household waste, and as time went by those channels were gradually culverted and formally converted to combined sewers

The impact of that was soon felt on larger rivers as they were over-run with sewage. In response, interceptor sewers were constructed which took the daily foul flows to sewage treatment facilities.


Our construction skills need to be sustainable

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Of all industries in the UK, construction is the one that could have the greatest impact on sustainability. Its contribution extends far and wide, stretching from what is built to how it is built, where it is built and why it is built – all of which have a huge impact on sustainable development.

While some sectors and companies are taking a strong lead on the issue, others are sitting back and waiting. But this is not something that will simply go away, and ignoring the issue is not an option; policy and legislation is starting to force clients, designers and contractors to adopt a more sustainable approach – and increasing client and consumer interest is adding to the pressure for change.


Waterless urinals

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A growing number of schools and institutions are saving millions of litres of fresh water in their washrooms.

A product called eco-cube uses microbial technology which converts washroom urinals or troughs using naturally occurring microbes.


It’s a trailblazer from WRAP

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The Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has launched its first trailblazer site using high-quality compost to regenerate brownfield land.

The former Lambton Cokeworks, in Tyne and Wear, which has been earmarked for the development of 350 new houses, woodland and open space, will use up to 50,000 tonnes of BSI PAS 100:2005 compost.